Friday, October 12, 2012

Things with Sauce: A Thematic Dinner

Wednesday nights tend to be my least busy. So, I often go to a friend's house, or a bar, or consider going for a run before I ultimately decide not to. The previous Wednesday I managed to do all those things and still cook dinner.

First up is hamburgers. They're comprised of beef, tofu, lazily-chopped carrots, and other things. The store didn't actually have buns, so the bread is some roll filled with mayo and corn. As suggested by the title of this post, I made sauce!

Part 2 was supposed to be on the same plate, but I accidentally ate the hamburgers while the eggplant was cooking. Anyway, this is roasted eggplant (with miso sauce!)

I wish I could get a real pumpkin here. I really want some pumpkin.
