Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ginger Binger

Last weekend I went to NYC to visit a friend from study abroad and ended up eating ridiculous amounts of candied ginger. When I got home to Northampton, I decided that it would be fun and cheaper to try making my own.

The whole candying process went OK. I followed this recipe. In the end, my ginger was soft and VERY sweet. Too sweet even though I skipped the step where you roll it in sugar. I think I cooked the syrup too long, because it was really thick when I removed the ginger from the pot.

All that means is that there was a thick coating of sugar on the finished product. I really didn't like how sweet it was, so I ended up washing off the sugary coating and snacking on the semi-sweet ginger bits.

I think I'll try this again. It's something you definitely need to practice to get right, I think.

xo, Kristin

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