Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Born Again Pizza Piety

Yesterday I redid the Greek yogurt pizza recipe. This is an interesting recipe that originated on Pinterest and has been circulating the web. The crust recipe is easy enough to find and easier to make: self rising flour + plan Greek yogurt. That's all you need. I didn't have self rising flour so I did mine with regular flour, baking powder, and salt for the crust.

Last time I made this with my friend Karen and we screwed it up royally. It's like, the easiest crust recipe on earth but we made it too sticky and we didn't take time I knead it :-/

This time, I made my own sauce using tomato paste, and topped the pizza with black beans, mexican and parmesan cheeses, and cherry tomato halves. O so good! Definitely deserves a repeat. Next time I'll make it with my gluten intolerant friend and rice flour. Mmm.

xo, Kristin

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