Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Avocado-y Breakfast

This weekend, I learned several things including #1) My mom pictures me someday married to a man at least ten years older than myself. I'm currently 21, and find that creepy.

#2) My mom had a variety of over ripe fruits and vegetables that she expected me to bring back to college and eat "within a day."

This is what it became:

For breakfast yesterday I ate: an over ripe, browning avocado, over ripe cherries, dough-y soft mango, and overly ripe smelling milk from my dorm's communal fridge.

Rating: 8.5/10
Prep time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: 2/10

I'm rating this meal so high because it contains so many of my favorite foods and tasted pretty good despite the dorm fridge-flavored milk (which I ended up throwing out after choking down half).



  1. oh, I'm definitely going to incorporate a rating system too!! good idea. PS- this dinner looked really good in the picture till you described it. I hate browning avocado! Still beat mine though

  2. Haha it's breakfast so I give it extra points for that. Would've been better in that guac we had D:
