Saturday, September 1, 2012

No Fridge No Problem

It's official! I have ordered my new fridge and it's on its way. At first my supervisor couldn't figure out why I wanted a bright orange fridge, but now she's jealous of how superficially quirky I am (she told someone so!).

Anyway, the intervening period has not been totally devoid of self-cooked food. It just might not have been the best food. The need to cook started when I was looking at pictures of french toast, and had a minor breakdown. I wanted it SO BAD. Just not 6 eggs and a carton of milk's worth of it.

My solution was to go to the supermarket, buy individual sized portions of various vegetables and nonperishable items, cook them all together in a pan, add some soy sauce, sugar, and mirin, and voila! The best tasting pile of vomit I've ever eaten.

Taste: 7/10 (can't go wrong with onions, garlic, mushrooms, and beef)
Difficulty: 3/10 (looks terrible, but was very easy and just my size. Maybe should've made some rice for it to go on top of....)
Next one up is all thanks to Jen Graham. She passed along a recipe for cup brownies you can make in the microwave. I kept it slightly undercooked cuz that's the way I like it uh huh uh huh.

Taste 10/10 (When I get my fridge I'll add ice cream!)
Difficulty 2/10

As a side note, through the brownie-making process I learned my microwave is also an oven. So much cake in my future. So many feelings to eat.
